"The Paradise of the Corinthian Gulf"

Just one hour and a quarter from Athens and less than half an hour from Patra, Akrata was and is the place that combines mountain and sea ideal for summer, enchanting and romantic in winter!
History (src Wikipedia)
Akrata is a historic village in Achaia. It is located at the frontiers of Achaia and Korinthia, between Diakopto and Derveni and is about 65 km from Patra and 130 km from Athens. It has a population of 1,393 inhabitants (census 2011), multiplying in the summer months. It was administratively headquartered in the municipality of Akrata until 2010, and after the administrative reform of the "Kallikratis" program, it belongs to the Municipality of Aegialia.
It is mentioned as a settlement already since the Ottoman domination.
Akrata is connected with the struggles of 1821 and was the base of many Achaean captains. On 16 March 1821, one of the first hostilities of the struggle was recorded in Akrata, and in January 1823 the battle of the same name was carried out in the area, during which the Dramalis army was destroyed after his death in Corinth. In the middle of the 19th century there was a customs station as well as a sanitary outpost.
Who are we?
A complex of furnished rooms to let in front of the beautiful sea of Akrata Beach. The complex was created by Mr. Georgios B. Tsogkas with effort, love and a lot of passion for the comfortable stay of a family during the summer holidays.
When "House Far From The House" was to us and our guests known years ago!
Generations and generations grew up in a magnificent garden by the sea with the children's voices from every corner of Greece echoing everywhere with toys and innocent scandals, while the "big ones" became one!
Some things may have changed and holidays all summer are not feasible anymore, but certainly not the passion and love of a family, the Tsogkas family, to provide the possibility of holidaying to everyone even for a few days.
The new generation has now undertaken to continue the vision and improve the benefits by keeping memories of the holidays alive to both adults and children ...!
You must visit...


Doksa Lake
Γαλήνη και ομορφιά!
Η λίμνη Δόξα είναι μία τεχνητή λίμνη σε υψόμετρο 900 μέτρων, η οποία βρίσκεται στην Αρχαία Φενεό Κορινθίας. Η κατασκευή της ολοκληρώθηκε στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1990, και στηρίχτηκε στον χείμαρρο Δόξα που ρέει σε εκείνη την περιοχή.

και το μαγευτικό δάσος της Ζαρούχλας!
Η Λίμνη Τσιβλού βρίσκεται στον Δήμο Αιγιαλείας του Νομού Αχαΐας, σε υψόμετρο 700 μέτρων περίπου, στις πλαγιές του Χελμού. Δημιουργήθηκε στις 24 Μαρτίου του 1913, όταν από μια μεγάλη κατολίσθηση που προκλήθηκε στην περιοχή φράχτηκε η κοίτη του ποταμού Κράθη. Η λίμνη έχει επιφάνεια περίπου 83 στρέμματα και βάθος περίπου 80 μέτρα.

A civilization tour at

Ski Center of Kalvryta
